The entire community can participate in bringing the Library to those without direct access. We are not quite ready to accept donations or volunteers, but we want to tell you when we are! Please provide your contact information to be KEPT IN THE KNOW.
Please complete the form below if you are interested in any of the following:
1) Becoming a Book Drop Donation Location (this would include placing a Book Drop Donation Box in an easily accessible location in your lobby or front entrance).
2) Giving TIME (this would mean volunteering to sort books and organize books at the Library Society)
3) Donate Children’s BOOKS** — we are not yet ready, but please provide your contact information and we will email you once we’re ready! (December is the goal!)
**PLEASE NOTE** when ready, we are only able to accept children’s books targeted for ages birth to five years old. If preparing a donation, please ensure: Gently used, free of names/bookplates. We want the children receiving them to feel that these are for ‘their’ library, not someone elses.
Used books in less than excellent condition – this includes excessively worn, torn, wrinkled, bent, stained, yellowed, water or smoke-damaged, underlined, highlighted, written in, or otherwise damaged books, as well as those with missing pages or pieces. Activity books of any kind as these are better for your school! Library books even if in relatively good condition because these books do not create the sense of ownership that we want to provide.