Preserving our Legacy
Acquisitions are the driving force in building a collection and meticulous editing allows us to expand with the present times, preserve the past and retire others. Whether through purchase or donation, the last 100 years of acquisitions have placed a myriad of first editions and earliest printings of novels on our shelves. While this Legacy Collection will not circulate, our members have access to treasures that are beyond a dollar value.

Conservation Wish List
Without conservation and preservation, the treasures and antiques of the collection are at risk of deterioration. Should you desire to leave your legacy within the walls of the Library Society, or honor another – there are ample opportunities for named conservation. Through the Jerrold and Ann Mitchell Conservation Lab, the Charleston Library Society has the tools for proper care and repair of our historical treasures. Work closely with our special collections librarian to save a piece of living history for the future.

Bindery Services
Dorothy’s Book Bindery was established in December of 2011 as a testament to her legacy. The space has since become a center for art and preservation at the library where our staff utilizes the most up-to-date techniques to stabilize the rarest volumes from our collection so they can be enjoyed by members, researchers, and visitors alike. At its core, it provides the opportunity to share our love of bookcraft through workshops and demonstrations related to hand bookbinding, paper marbling, and papermaking.
Additionally, the Library offers professional book repair and preservation by custom commission.