Music at the Library: Chamber Music Charleston Returns

Chamber Music Charleston – Music for Winds & Piano: Bizet, Piazzolla & Mozart An encore of one of the best chamber music organizations in Charleston.  It always a delight to host Bassoonist Sandra Nikolayevs, leader of CMC, to our venue.  Her group never fails to enrapture and entertain.  Flutist Regina Helcher Yost, clarinetist Charles Messersmith […]

Awful Good: Tenzin Chopak & Nicholas Walker

Join the Charleston Library Society in welcoming two musical geniuses, Tenzin Chopak & Nicholas Walker, for a unique and provoking concert on April’s Second Sunday at 6:00PM. This is a free concert open to the public, so bring friends and family to experience a beautiful performance in historic setting. To RSVP, call 843-723-9912 or email […]

Introduction to Leather Binding

Introduction to Leather Binding April 19th, 21st, 26th, and 28th from 5:30pm-8:30pm Cost: $300 students, $350 members, $400 nonmembers – all materials included No experience necessary. Learn to make a book that can be judged by its cover! In this four-session workshop, students will learn the basics of bookbinding while constructing a beautiful ¾-leather journal […]

Wide Angle Lunch Series: Ed Bell

For tickets, please click here or call (843) 723-9912 President and part-owner of the Charleston School of Law, Mr. Bell will share his perspectives on the opportunities and challenges he has faced since he began his position as President. Focused on changing the school from a for-profit business model to a non-profit with the motto “For the […]

Music at the Library: Charleston Renaissance Ensemble

Charleston Renaissance Ensemble – Celebrate Shakespeare’s Birthda with music and brilliant commentary by Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill (Betsy), Rhodes Scholar and co-author of Shakespeare Alive! Seven friends with a common devotion to Early Music has evolved into an ensemble of professional and semi-professional singers whose perennially popular concerts frequently draw standing-room-only crowds.  Celebrating the ethereal sounds; from chant, to […]

Lowcountry Giving Day

This is a day of celebration and we want everyone to get in on the fun. Last year, millions of dollars were raised. In 2016, nonprofit participation has increased more than 75% and we are expecting more communtity engagement and participation than ever before. Now there is a new way to give- anyone can donate […]

Not by the Book: Dr. Anton

NOT by the Book: Dr. Raymond F. Anton Alcohol: “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly”   The vast majority of Americans drink alcohol. For many it provides social enjoyment in the spirit of conviviality. In fact, drinking in moderation has positive health benefits, and might prolong life. However, drinking above moderate levels can have significant […]

Speaker Series: Susan Sully

Speaker Series with Susan Sully- “Past, Present: Living with Heirlooms and Antiques” On Thursday, May 5th at 6 PM, CLS will host a lecture and book signing with Susan Sully, Charleston-based author of Charleston Style and Past Present: Living with Heirlooms and Antiques. “This is the perfect piece of propaganda for every mother who doesn’t want to see her […]

Audubon Speaker: Deborah Cramer

Join us for an evening of conservation and conversation with author Deborah Cramer The Narrow Edge: A tiny bird, an ancient crab, & an epic journey Wednesday May 11 6-8 PM Between the full moons of April and May every year, the lowcountry hosts a spectacular array of migrating birds. Deborah Cramer traced the journey […]

Speaker Series: Isley, Greene & Baldwin

Speaker Series: Isley, Greene & Baldwin Presenting a panel on The Preservation of Charleston with authors Jane Iseley, William Baldwin, Harlan Green and preservation expert Richard Marks. The panel discussion will be led by Post and Courier‘s reporter, Robert Behre. They will show images from the book and discuss the interiors presented.  The 336-page book offers an unsurpassed […]

Toonin’ In: The Culture of Cartoons from Hogarth to the New Yorker

The Library Society proudly presents a unique exhibit of historical and current cartoons that reflect social and political commentary. Comprised of classic New Yorker cartoons on loan from the Morgan Library, original Hogarth and Gillray folios from the CLS vaults, and a small sampling of cartoons and workbooks from Matthew Diffee, an American cartoonist whose […]

The Passionate Harp with Abigail Kent

Music at the Library: Abigail Kent The Passionate Harp $20 members, $25 nonmembers For tickets, please click here. Abigail Kent, from Charleston, SC, entered the Curtis Institute of Music in2014 and studies with Elizabeth Hainen, Principal Harpist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. All students at Curtis receive merit-based full-tuition scholarships and Ms. Kent is the Maryjane Mayhew […]

CLS Book Club: Clementine

CLS Book Club- Clementine by Sonia Purnell A long-overdue tribute to the extraordinary woman behind Winston Churchill. By Winston Churchill’s own admission, victory in the Second World War would have been “impossible without her.” Until now, however, the only existing biography of Churchill’s wife, Clementine, was written by her daughter. Sonia Purnell finally gives Clementine […]

A Visit with Pat Conroy’s Story River Book Authors

May 28, 11:00 a.m. A VISIT WITH PAT CONROY’S STORY RIVER BOOKS Featuring Novelists Carla Damron, Ellen Malphrus, Michele Moore, and Eric Morris Please RSVP to (843) 723-9912 or “Story River Books is a gift to writers and to readers,” said Pat Conroy of his original fiction imprint with the University of South Carolina […]

Toonin’ In Guest Speaker: Matt Diffee

“Toonin’ In: The Culture of Cartoons from Hogarth to the New Yorker” Reception and Lecture: June 2nd 6:00PM Lecture Price- $10 students (with valid ID at door), $15 members, $20 nonmembers On June 2nd , at 6:00PM, Matthew Diffee will share his thoughts on cartooning and the intimidating creative process that we face in our everyday […]