Kate Kayaian presents The Voice of the Cello:
Acclaimed cellist Kate Kayaian takes you on a musical journey that explores the expressive range of her beloved instrument. Hearing works by Bach, Crumb, Hovhaness and Gianopoulos, you will discover how each composer’s cultural, political, and personal circumstances helped to shape their music, and how they each found their own unique voice while writing for the same instrument. Come and be transported to Germany, Japan, Greece, Armenia and beyond! Tickets are $25 for members and $35 for nonmembers. To purchase, call 843-723-9912 or click here.
Cellist Kate Kayaian is known for her stunning artistry and for her passion for communicating through music. She maintains a rigorous schedule balancing her solo and chamber music performances with her teaching and conducting positions and musical exchange projects around the world. Her 2018-2019 schedule includes recitals and concerts in Chicago, Seattle, Victoria, BC, Palm Beach, Charleston, Houston, Bermuda, and throughout the New England area.