With great success from last year’s Life Long Learning Course on the Music of Vietnam Era, Dana Beach and Teddy Gilbreth return for another six-part series exploring the distinctive music of South & North Carolina, from its diverse array of originating influences to the wide-ranging diaspora of its impact. The unique cross-section of community, class, and culture extant in the Southern landscape created a rare crucible of musical composition, which in turn, established foundational genres that inform music today. Beach and Gilbreth’s course will conduct a deep dive into this fascinating sonic space; each class is designed to be engaging to casual listeners and aficionados alike.
DATES: March 31st – April 7th, 14th, 28th – May 5th & 12th.
*Note: On April 21st CLS will be closed for Easter, so there will be no class that day. The course will continue on April 28th.
Course Time: 10:30am-12:00pm, Mondays
Tickets: Sold only as a six-week course (Seating is limited to 40)