We are offering an exciting collaboration between the Library Society and the Gibbes Museum of Art for our Winter 2015 Life-Long Learning / Art History Class.
Art History: Greek Art and Archeology from the Bronze Age until 100 B.C
to be held every Tuesday, January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 3, 10, 17.
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Art Historian Dr. Steve Gavel will offer an in-depth 8 week course that examines artifacts and techniques employed by craftsmen in ancient Greece. The traditional survey will cover the stylistic evolution of Greek art and Architecture, with a focus on key monuments and artistic movements.
Library Society and Gibbes Museum Members: $200 * Non-members: $250
Location: Library Society Research Center at 164 King Street
To register through the Library Society please contact Meg Stokenberry 843-723-9912 or mstokenberry@charlestonlibrarysociety.org